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Screen Free Toys For Kids!

No batteries or screen time needed. OR wanted. 

Research increasingly shows the long-term negative impacts of excessive screen time on child development and social interaction.   

As a non-digital tablet, HandMoto contains a variety of fun, educational content that reduces dependency on screens. 

Play Video

Firsthand HandMoto Magic

Watch how HandMoto inspires learning with its innovative and adaptable design!

How It Works

Choose Your Adventure

Select from HandMoto’s spelling, coloring, math, and puzzle activity sheets. 

Set the Scene

Snap the desired activity sheet into the HandMoto board. 

Play, Learn, Repeat

With the included dry-erase markers and felt pad, children can color, answer questions, practice spelling and more!  

Clean Slate

Simply wipe the HandMoto Board clean, insert a new activity sheet, and continue playing!

HandMoto is the perfect learning tool to help develop your child's motor skills while making the process enjoyable, easy, and effective.


Welcome to the HandMoto blog, your hub for insights on enjoyable learning.

We showcase early education wonders, success stories, parenting tips, and the latest from HandMoto. Our goal? To provide the tools and insights that turn learning into an exciting journey for your child. Join us in driving the Moto-mentum of learning with each blog post. Welcome to the HandMoto learning community!

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