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Where learning meets fun
without screens

“Moto-boards use templates as point guides. Their reusable template system transforms content into action through ‘frequency' and that is how you develop better recall, good habits, and great results.”
Dr. Jared Roth
Ed. D , Cognitive Research Doctorate Education, George Fox University Professor
“It’s so easy to put in a bag, use it in the car, we use it at restaurants, it really solves the activity for us.”
Kristina S.
"Moto-boards use 'guided repetition’ that creates fun and easy brain exercises for memorization and image reclamation.”
Dr. Maciej Kraus
PhD Author, Professor, Behavioral Scientist Harvard, Stanford Alumni
“Our son took to it immediately, he loves tracing the animals and getting better at learning to draw and color!”
Adam B.
Father, Michigan
We’re proud to provide an enriching, engaging, and eco-friendly way for children to explore the world of knowledge, bringing the essence of our values — sustainability, creativity, fun, and the joy of learning — to life.
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Each HandMoto includes 1 HandMoto board, 1 felt eraser pad,
4 dry erase pens, 10 HandMoto Activity Sheets.
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Securing Trust:
Certificates and Patents

Establishing Credibility in the Digital Age through Verifiable Guarantees
ASTM F963 Certification
USA Gold Standard Certification
U.S. Patent 9,779,639
U.S. Patent 9,809,050 
U.S. Patent 10,482,792 

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More about benefits:

Replaceable task sheets
Analog device
Made in USA
Makes Learning Fun!
Backgrounds, Images, and
Templates Included!
Spend Less Time
on Computer Screens/ 
No Light Rays To Eyes!
Preserved vision
in children
Motor skills/learning
No Electricity
or Batteries Needed
Use Same Paper Over and
Over Again!
Improve Lost Handwriting,
Drawing, and Hand
Motor Skills
For All Ages!
For Memorization and
Memory Improvement!
How it works
Replaceable task sheets
Analog device
Made in USA
Makes Learning Fun!
Backgrounds, Images, and
Templates Included!
Spend Less Time
on Computer Screens/ 
No Light Rays To Eyes!

More about benefits:

Preserved vision
in children
Motor skills/learning
No Electricity
or Batteries Needed
Use Same Paper Over and
Over Again!
Improve Lost Handwriting,
Drawing, and Hand
Motor Skills
For All Ages!
For Memorization and
Memory Improvement!

HandMoto: Unplug and Engage —
Where Learning Meets Fun
Without Screens

Transform your child’s screen time into creative learning moments with HandMoto. Our analog device, featuring replaceable task sheets and no need for electricity, directly addresses the challenge of excessive tablet use by engaging children in motor skill development and learning activities. HandMoto is your cost-effective solution for educational enrichment, offering a treasure trove of backgrounds, images, and templates to keep learning fresh, fun, and focused. Made in the USA, HandMoto preserves vision, and revives lost handwriting and drawing skills. Ideal for all ages, it's the perfect tool for memory 
improvement and reducing
digital exposure. View products

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